Name: Janet M Doherty
Professional Title: Headteacher
Background: Born in Northumberland, Janet studied English at the University of Hull. She was an English and Drama teacher and senior leader in a variety of schools in the North of England before moving into local authority school improvement work serving at the highest level including as Director of Education. Janet was an independent consultant for eight years and undertook a variety of leadership and school improvement roles for schools, MATS and councils. She spent a year as an Associate Head of a special school shortly before joining Manchester Hospital School in April 2017.
Name of Organisation: Manchester Hospital School
Status of organisation: Maintained community special school
Area of the country: North West
Description of your organisation:
Manchester Hospital School provides education for children and young people who are unable to access their usual school because of physical or mental ill health. Working internationally, nationally and across the North West region, the school has teaching spaces in the Royal Manchester Children’s hospital, the largest single site provision in the country, at Wythenshawe Hospital, at the Christie hospital, at Galaxy House, a CAMHS Tier 4 inpatient unit based on the RMCH site and at the Leo Kelly Centre, a CAMHS Tier 3 provision for young people living in Manchester. We are also commissioned by Manchester LA to provide teaching in the community for those children and young people unable to go to school or into the Leo Kelly Centre.