Our Vision

To bring together educational professionals from a wide range of medical needs settings to form one organisation to ‘unify our voice’ and work together to improve educational outcomes for children with a medical need.

Our Mission

  • To raise the standards of education for children and young people who are disadvantaged by illness or other physical or mental health conditions.
  • To actively promote our children and young people’s entitlement to high quality educational opportunities.
  • To liaise with key partners such as the Department for Education and Ofsted and provide appropriate guidance and support for colleagues.
  • To influence government policy to inform and provide effective practice.
  • To undertake research into ‘best educational practice’ in our sector.
  • To work collaboratively with peers within our sector, to develop best practice and to offer support and challenge to ensure the highest possible standards are achieved

Our Values

We believe that all children have a right to education regardless of physical or mental health challenges and recognise the benefit of enabling pupils to reach their educational potential and preparing them for adult life, both intellectually and emotionally. We aspire to ensure that educational disadvantage is minimised by providing pupils every opportunity to achieve their potential, regardless of circumstance.